ever heard a Country Music Joke. Country Music is 94% of the time, JUST PLAIN FUN. In Missouri, there is a town named BRANSON. Our mother and sister live "right down the way" from this American Music Capitol of the US. It has been said, that Branson is the Baptists' "Las Vegas." I have been through the town, and it is small. But it is made up of all these music halls. No dirty jokes. Lots and lots of older Country Musicians have retired there. Andy Williams has a showcase in Branson, too. Look him up. He is not country, but he is, music for everyone else.
They have one bank in Branson that has only been robbed one time. My next-door teacher and her family drove up there to go to Silver Dollar City, which is a place that there is lots of music, and lots, and lots of crafts and rides. They went up their over fall break. Well, ... it just so happened that the Branson Bank was robbed and they car-jacked our teacher's car. The police was waiting for them, when they came out of the amusement park. Can you believe that. I don't know if they caught the bank robbers, but on with Country Fun.
We have a program on our EDUCATIONAL CHANNEL, called "Austin City Limits. It usually has Country and Bluegrass Acts. I love it, because you can actually see the chords and "licks" that the musicians are playing. Licks are finger runs up and down an instrument and even a harmonica. They also have other "genres" of music in the town, but generally it is geared to the two above. Andy Williams has a showcase in Branson, too. Look him up. He is not country, but he is, music for everyone else.
A few years ago, I turned on Austin City Limits, and they had this daddy and son who were really funny. I had never heard of them. They are a Country Music duet out of Texas, and they have been around for a long time. But Nashville discovered them in 1993, maybe on Austin City Limits. They are called the GEEZENSLAWS. They are great musicians. The dad plays the guitar and the son plays the mandolin. The dad is always teasing his son about how dumb he is. I want you to meet them. GEEZENSLAWS Click on their name and then it will take you there. In Fact, I downloaded the picture there at Luckenback, Texas, where Willie Nelson has a 4th of July celebration every summer.
Now, when you get there, it will give you lots of options, even buying their CDs. But click on the Humor and listen to them. If you don't think they are funny, then ASK Mr. C. to tell you what they mean, and why they are funny. And believe me, they are funny. But, remember, they are first, and most importantly, excellent musicians.
Minnie Pearl is about the only funny, non-singing Country act that ever was. They have some stand-up commedians, but they're not in the status of Minnie Perle. She would always come out on the Grand Ole Opery, wearing a hat with a price tag on it, shouting, "HOWWWWDDDDY!!! So go to the Geezenslaws and have fun. I will add some more fun stuff on this site, as well.